Fine I. NICHOLSON IN WRENTHAM Pre-1746 Sash Moulding Plane - EXCELSIOR 115323 - AS OF MAR 16

$ 795.00
  • Fine I. NICHOLSON IN WRENTHAM Pre-1746 Sash Moulding Plane - EXCELSIOR 115323

Fine I. NICHOLSON IN WRENTHAM Pre-1746 Sash Moulding Plane - EXCELSIOR 115323 - AS OF MAR 16

$ 795.00
Item #: EXCELSIOR 115323

9 7/8 inches long. Yellow birch. Very crisp. The top of the heel has been eased for comfort. John NICHOLSON, born 1712, worked in Wrentham, Massachusetts and Cumberland, Rhode Island 1733-66. He was the son of Francis NICHOLSON, the first American plane maker.

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9 7/8 inches long. Yellow birch. Very crisp. The top of the heel has been eased for comfort. John NICHOLSON, born 1712, worked in Wrentham, Massachusetts and Cumberland, Rhode Island 1733-66. He was the son of Francis NICHOLSON, the first American plane maker.