Fantastic! 16th Century Brass and Iron Miter Plane * EXCELSIOR 80226

$ 6,500.00
  • Fantastic! 16th Century Brass and Iron Miter Plane - 80226U

Fantastic! 16th Century Brass and Iron Miter Plane * EXCELSIOR 80226

$ 6,500.00
Item #: EXCELSIOR 80226

8 3/4 x 2 5/8 inches. Iron wedge. Tight mouth. 2 1/8 inch iron by SORBY is not the first. A rare example without the usual hang hole in the toe.

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8 3/4 x 2 5/8 inches. Iron wedge. Tight mouth. 2 1/8 inch iron by SORBY is not the first. A rare example without the usual hang hole in the toe.