DEAD MINT! NEW Single STANLEY NO. 750 Chisel SWEETHEART Pick Your Size -- 76276A Singles

$ 39.00
  • DEAD MINT Set of Eight STANLEY No. 750 Chisels with Leather Roll SWEETHEART - 76276

DEAD MINT! NEW Single STANLEY NO. 750 Chisel SWEETHEART Pick Your Size -- 76276A Singles

$ 39.00
Item #: 76276M

CHOOSE Single Chisel  Unused! Hornbeam handles. Sizes: 1 1/4, one inch, 3/4, 1/2, 3/8, 1/4.  Machined from high carbon steel, the Sweetheart chisels sharpen easily and retain a razor-sharp edge over long periods of use. Their side bevels are extra narrow for working in tight corners. Specify the size when ordering  Choose Single chisel  sweetheart logo.

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CHOOSE Single Chisel  Unused! Hornbeam handles. Sizes: 1 1/4, one inch, 3/4, 1/2, 3/8, 1/4.  Machined from high carbon steel, the Sweetheart chisels sharpen easily and retain a razor-sharp edge over long periods of use. Their side bevels are extra narrow for working in tight corners. Specify the size when ordering  Choose Single chisel  sweetheart logo.