Astonishing Gunmetal Infill Miter Plane by WAYNE ANDERSON - EXCELSIOR 102256 - AS OF FEB 21

$ 695.00
  • Astonishing Gunmetal Infill Miter Plane by WAYNE ANDERSON - EXCELSIOR 102256

Astonishing Gunmetal Infill Miter Plane by WAYNE ANDERSON - EXCELSIOR 102256 - AS OF FEB 21

$ 695.00
Item #: EXCELSIOR 102256

7 5/8 inches long with a 1 1/2 inch iron. Signed and dated (2005) by the maker.

  • Gallery
  • Description

7 5/8 inches long with a 1 1/2 inch iron. Signed and dated (2005) by the maker.