CYRUS HARDY Patent September 24, 1872 Plane by BOSTON METALLIC PLANE CO circa 1872-74 - 82130

$ 595.00
  • CYRUS HARDY Patent September 24, 1872 Plane by BOSTON METALLIC PLANE CO circa 1872-74 - 82130

CYRUS HARDY Patent September 24, 1872 Plane by BOSTON METALLIC PLANE CO circa 1872-74 - 82130

$ 595.00
Item #: 82130

18 inches long. Flawless although the edges of the levercap have been filed to make it fit better. Original 2 1/4 inch BUTCHER iron. Approximately half of the original japanning remains.

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  • Description

18 inches long. Flawless although the edges of the levercap have been filed to make it fit better. Original 2 1/4 inch BUTCHER iron. Approximately half of the original japanning remains.