Excellent set of 7 MARPLES Heavy Mortise Chisels - 93817

$ 249.00
  • Excellent set of Eight MARPLES Heavy Mortise Chisels - 93817

Excellent set of 7 MARPLES Heavy Mortise Chisels - 93817

$ 249.00
Item #: 93817

1/4 to 1 1/4 inch. Very clean. Great steel. Highly recommended!

NOTE there are 8 chisels in the photo. A duplicate 1" sneaked into the photo. We will remove the extra one before shipping.

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1/4 to 1 1/4 inch. Very clean. Great steel. Highly recommended!

NOTE there are 8 chisels in the photo. A duplicate 1" sneaked into the photo. We will remove the extra one before shipping.