Extra Fine! STANLEY MILLERS PATENT No. 41 Plow and Filletster Plane stamped "MILLERS PATENT JUNE 20, 1870" - 76357 - AS OF OCT. 16

$ 1,100.00

Extra Fine! STANLEY MILLERS PATENT No. 41 Plow and Filletster Plane stamped "MILLERS PATENT JUNE 20, 1870" - 76357 - AS OF OCT. 16

$ 1,100.00
Item #: 76357

Perfect handle with 1870 patent stamp. 90% japanning. Type 4 circa 1876 only. One of the best examples we have ever seen!

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Perfect handle with 1870 patent stamp. 90% japanning. Type 4 circa 1876 only. One of the best examples we have ever seen!