Unprecedented! 17th Century Oil Painting of a Wood turner's Workshop and Lathe DATED 1655 - EXCELSIOR 94184 - AS OF NOV 2

$ 4,995.00
  • Unprecedented! 17th Century Oil Painting of a Wood turner's Workshop and Lathe DATED 1655 - EXCELSIOR 94184

Unprecedented! 17th Century Oil Painting of a Wood turner's Workshop and Lathe DATED 1655 - EXCELSIOR 94184 - AS OF NOV 2

$ 4,995.00
Item #: EXCELSIOR 94184

German, circa 1655. Measures 15 x12 inches overall. The art measures 8x11 inches. Fine condition! Oil on board. Period wooden frame. Probably the earliest painting of a lathe. Note the fixed, full length tool rest. Amazing!

  • Gallery
  • Description

German, circa 1655. Measures 15 x12 inches overall. The art measures 8x11 inches. Fine condition! Oil on board. Period wooden frame. Probably the earliest painting of a lathe. Note the fixed, full length tool rest. Amazing!